Site Policies

My site is intended to provide an interactive forum where interested parties can share opinions and knowledge relating to social media.   

I welcome and encourage constructive feedback and questions in the form of comments.  I will moderate these comments to ensure that they remain appropriate.  I will not reject comments simply because an author's opinions differ from my opinions. In fact, I believe opinions that differ from my own will enrich the content of my blog.  Please remain ethical and respectful of others by avoiding the following:
  • vulgar language
  • personal attacks or inappropriate comments
  • spam
  • links to sites that contain material that could offend readers
  • information that is factually incorrect.
  • any form of discriminatory language
I reserve the right to remove or block authors who violate this policy.

Comments made by others on this site do not necessarily reflect my personal views.

Because this blog contains student works, site authors must exercise care to ensure that posts and comments on this site comply with FERPA. Refer to the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA website for additional information.

Site authors must exercise care to ensure that posts and comments on this site comply with COPPA as well. Refer to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's website for COPPA in addition to COPPA guidelines published by the Federal Trade Commission (click here for guidelines).

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